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About Furc3D2 -- News -- Download -- Bug Tracker -- Thanks

2007 April 15
I just posted a new version(v0.0015), which works under the new protocol and client version. It also now parses out the html-like tags and uses those to determine the text color, rather than the generilized message-type text color Furc3D2 did before. Here's an example of using the new color tags.

2007 April 14
I finally got some time to start working on getting Furc3D2 to work with the new furcadia and the new protocol. I've only spent about an hour thus far, and already got the basics going. There's a lot of inconsistancies about where they use the new base220 numbers and where they use the old base95 numbers though... but I've got most of those covered so far. The biggest change is going to be re-doing how I interpret the colors, as well as character movement changes. These shouldn't be too difficult though, so I should have a new version to post soon.

2007 March 21
If you downloaded version 0.0014 between it's release and today, you may want to re-download it if you had any problems. A friend noticed that the DirectX executable was outputting OpenGL debug info... sure enough... the DirectX executable was just a copy of the OpenGL one. I fixed that, as well as relinking against the retail DirectX runtime rather than the debug runtime (which could have caused missing directx .dll errors for anyone without the sdk installed).

2007 March 01
Prelimary support for walls is in. It`s still very buggy, but it's a good start. Floor tiles from patches are now loaded a little more aggresively now... there should be no cases missed anymore.

Here's part of Mycroft's in Meovanni.

2007 February 26
Ok.. lack of time for the very time consuming process of digging through a large amount of dissasembly has delayed work on things. While I have a couple leads to investigate, I have plans to write a tool to analyze assembly code and do some neat things with it. I'm going to be putting my work on loading encrypted dreams in Furc3D2 on hold for a little bit. I think my next task will be looking into the possibility of deskewing the wall graphics to use them as textures, similar to how floors were done. To start, I'll probably use flat planes for the walls, but I have some ideas for procedurally generating some very simple polygons from them as well, which I may look into in the more distant future. If this turns out to be crazy though, I'll probably go the route of making a few pre-made models to represent the main walls, and calling that good for now.

Once I have better walls working, my attention will probably switch to a seperate but eventually related project: rewriting a new application framework from scratch (though I'll probably keep most of my graphics framework). In this one I have two goals: multiplatform (at the least I'll be working on getting it going on both linux and windows), and designed to fully take advantage of multicore/multiproc systems (this means breaking away from the traditional update loop that games use). I'll probably use that framework to create my new assembly tool then. This is related to Furc3D2, because I will probably then port Furc3D2 over to that new framework, meaning Furc3D2 would gain native support for linux. This is all a longer term goal though, so don't expect any magic from this anytime soon.

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